Jul 1Liked by Gary Mackender

Great post Gary. Dennis, below, makes a good point. So many dems freak out over a weak debate performance while the republicans don't even flinch when their pick is convicted of 34 felonies, triggered by his sexual congress with a porn star while his pregnant wife was not consulted. Not to mention the fact that his opponent spouted almost 100% lies - a fact I've not seen any of the pundits analyze in detail.

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The media seems to be more of a threat to a Democratic victory than Biden ever will be.

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Jun 30Liked by Gary Mackender

Gary, I couldn't agree with you more. While I was disappointed and also certain that I could have beaten the SOB Trump, I don't think the debate makes much difference one way or the other. And I think that most people will vote just the way they intended to do before the debate. The undecided will still have decide between a good man and a good and able president and an incompetent criminal who can't wait to take our democracy. What is amazing is that so many Americans want to do the same thing. In my view, that position tells me more about the sorry state of our educational system than I had judged possible. But I am most disappointed in the Democrats who run like rabbits when something like this happens. In contrast, the Republicans stand by their man even as they walk through the gates of hell. And the idiot pundits, they jump to conclusions without thinking about how the Republicans would love to see this happen. Let us stick by our man. Nay, let us increase our support and defeat this epitome of evil in our political life. Otherwise, we are SOL, perhaps forever!

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Dennis...thanks for taking the deep dive and the thoughtful response. Cheers!

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Jun 30Liked by Gary Mackender

These recent two posts have been really helpful (as has HCR) in tamping down the out of control anxiety and breaking the bullish*t up into chunks that hopefully are stoppable.

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Thanks...and I only lost two subscribers today. 😬

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Jun 30Liked by Gary Mackender

Gary, thanks for this. I didn't know all that about Anne Gorsuch! 😡

Gnashing of teeth.... constantly these days!

Thanks for all you do!

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Thanks for reading, Joanne! Every dang day recently the flood of information and misinformation is staggering. I try to separate the wheat from the chaff, to borrow a Kansas colloquialism. Cheers!

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